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No caffeine, say what??!

So apparently the contrast on my MRI lit up and that is why I had another needle biopsy this morning (ultrasound guided). It seems to be benign and and we are still planning on one lumpectomy on Friday. Worst case scenario is the pathology would come back malignant and I would have two lumpectomies on Friday guided by two seeds or a seed and a wire.   It appears that I have some benign breast disease that I can't remember or pronounce. What can I do about this? Lay off the caffeine. So let me get this heathy, stop drinking, and no caffeine???? Never mind that I need my coffee to wake my brain up after (remember I've had two brain surgeries....) I'm not mad about this but really? 

In reality I am exaggerating and the guidance it eat healthier, drink less, and less caffeine instead of having absolutely none but it is laughable when you say it the other way. 

Dr. Silvia (my surgeon), explaining the difference between seed and wire guided lumpectomy. 

Good-bye Diet Coke. I miss you already. 2020, take a hike. 

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