It all started with hubby threatening to go buy new socks today. That is usually our solution to the sock mess. Once a year though I tackle this, usually on New Year's Day, but I've been busy. "NO, DO NOT BUY NEW SOCKS! I'LL SORT THEM I PROMISE!" What?! You only sort socks once a year? Basically yes. So how do you find socks? We dig through the clean ones until we find matches. Does the pile get huge? Why, yes it does. How huge? Well I'll show you. 1 helper 2 helpers Not sure how helpful this is (random underwear was found and thrown and landed on the ceiling fan) Hanging in there an hour later (no joke!) An hour's progress A lot of fun was had through hide n seek Sock monsters And threats of being "fired" YOU ARE FIRED! Awwww, some itty bitty socks headed to Goodwill... Lone sockville Now who is going to put all these away?? The rest get to hang out unti...