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Be your own health advocate!

19 week Update- Be your own advocate. So I referred myself to an ENT to resolve my ear infection/dizziness symptoms. As a result I have answers and a plan! The ear infection looks cleared up but I still have ear fluid which can take months to clear up. Sooo, since I can't keep infection free they are putting me on Bactrim and Flonase. In three weeks I get my hearing checked just for checks and balances. This will lead right into my 6 month MRI. The ENT wants to do everything we can to take care of this ear fluid so that they can have a clear picture of whether or not my brain is still leaking fluid. I still feel really good but I am now convinced that I have forgotten what normal felt like. 
wink emoticon
Sept. 8-
Milestone day. I made it 10 weeks past second surgery and 20 weeks past the first surgery. Next week I'll know what 11 weeks past brain surgery feels like.
11 week growth
Sept. 17-
"Your ears look beautiful." These are my good news words today! Fluid is gone!! Hearing is excellent! 11.5 weeks post brain surgery feels wonderful! Even when fighting a cold. I also got good advice about flying. Apparently my eustachian tubes are sensitive, so things like colds, allergies, plane rides and brain surgery can send them in a tizzy. I've probably had this my whole life. So Flonase and Afrin are my friends. Brain surgery and meningioma friends....when dizzy, see an ENT! Brain problems and ear problems are soooo similar it is hard to differ. Next up 5 month MRI!— feeling wonderful.

Sept. 19 -
#100healthydays 3 weeks, post 15. I tracked my food 5 days. Very little sugar. Ear infection is gone! Feeling amazing #12weekspostbrainsurgery #braintumor#blessed #believe
