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Why I'm not resolutioning to give up facebook, blogger, pinterest etc.

Mommy guilt.  It eats at the best of us.  If we spent less time on facebook (blogger, pinterest etc.) we would be a better parent.  No you won't and I'm gonna tell you why.  I tried to give it up.  Really I did.  and guess what happened?  I got crabby!!!!!  I missed my FB friends, my daily updates but most of all my downtime.  I NEED my downtime and my FB friends.  Pinterest actually helps me use my time more wisely and blogger helps me get things off my chest and then when some of you actually read my posts I am just plain happy!  We all need a little happy in our lives.

Reason #1

 I don't go out much but I'm a social person.  I need FB to socialize while at home (and I assume you do too.)  But guess what, when my kids are talking to me or need me I shut my computer screen and give them my full attention.  I can't do that if they are with a baby-sitter and I am out with adults.

Reason #2

I have several facebook groups that help me be a better mom and teacher.  I belong to a weight loss group (we've been fb friends for 6 years and have lost major pounds together), a mommies group (we all had babies in Feb. 08 and we talk about EVERYTHING!  Anything you want to know you can find out from these friends and if you want to be better, just ask they will tell you and we don't sugar-coat anything!), a few teacher's groups (just like blogging these teachers share ideas and motivate you to be better teachers and again we ask and talk about anything!, they are also secret so we can vent too!) a dinner group (we share dinner ideas), and another weightloss group that is using a healthy form of competition to lose weight in 2012!

Reason #3

The computer is my vice.  I don't watch a lot of TV (other than Parenthood and Lifetime if I'm bored) and I don't play online addictive games (anymore), and I don't let it keep me up at night (anymore).  The games that I used to play (Farmville etc.)  didn't do anything to better my life and truly were time sucks.  But hey if gaming is your destresser so be it.  We all need a little destressing in our lives.

Reason #4

I would probably read the news less.  I find out from facebook what the latest news is.  If I want to read more I do, if I don't I don't.  I do not need the news on anymore (something I don't always want my children to see and I can filter my news).

Reason #5

It makes me more patient.  I HATE wasting time, loath it.  Therefore it is hard for me to let my three year old dress herself or do anything for herself although she is a do-it-myselfer.  So instead of telling her to hurrry up, I hop on facebook for a few minutes until she is done.  I let it distract me and that is sometimes a good thing!

Reason #6

Opinions at your fingertips.  Need help planning a vacation?  Ask your FB friends.  Want to know about the latest product?  Ask your facebook friends!  Want to feel better about something that is bothering you?  Ask your facebook friends!  You get my drift.

Reason #7

I am a teacher.  It is up to me to teach the future leaders of tomorrow about the world.  I need to experience the world.  And if everyone is on facebook, I should be too.  I need to be literate in the world of technology and I need to figure things out.

So long story short, thank you Mark Zuckerburg for helping me multi-task, socialize, and organize via facebook!
